Please complete this short survey to help us identify the issues that are most important to you as a musician.

"*" indicates required fields

Which of the follwoing issues are of most interest to you?*
Select all that apply
What is your primary instrument?*
Please select one of the following.
What is your primary area of musical performance?*
Please select one of the following.
Are you a member of the AFM?*
Please select one of the following.
Which of the following describes your involvement with music?*
What is your annual income from performing?*
Please select one of the following.
Event attended*
We’d love to talk to you more about the AFM, and answer any questions you may have! You can opt out of communication at any time.
Let us know where you’re from! This will help us better understand musicians’ needs by region
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.